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Useful and Inspiring

Boost your knowledge and inspiration in 90 seconds with our “Short N’ Easy” videos that cover broad areas of personal development, and various useful tips that are perfect for easy learning.
04Apr 2021

Oddly satisfying videos can be found all over social media platforms. From Youtube to Twitter and Instagram, people

04Apr 2021

Oddly satisfying videos can be found all over social media platforms. From Youtube to Twitter and Instagram, people

01Apr 2021

In this video, we are highlighting some historical facts of life in old Dubai, based on Emirati writer Abdul Ghaffar

31May 2020

With the world slowly coping to new norms of COVID-19, employees are only a few days away from returning to their

Photo: How can you get the perfect bread? video more
Sameera Obiad
26Feb 2020

The bread festival is held every year in Paris, where 100 of the best French bakeries compete to make French baguette

Photo: Why does rain smell so good? video more
Reza Rabaya
08Dec 2019

It doesn’t rain very often in the UAE, but one of the best things about it when it does is that almost indescribable

27Aug 2019

The new school year in Dubai is upon us, so the roads will be getting busier and the supermarkets definitely crazier on

26Aug 2019

If you can’t seem to find any time for yourself, you may be too into the digital realm. If you also find yourself

Photo: Happiness is a Chemical video more
Mohamed Emad
25Aug 2019

Dopamine is a chemical produced in the brain and it affects many sensations and behaviors. It plays a key role in the

Photo: Strange customs video more
Mohamed Emad
25Aug 2019

When travelling to a new country, you may face situations that seem easy to deal with, but if you are unaware of their

Photo: Work less but do more? video more
Sameera Obaid
22Aug 2019

A new study suggests that the standard 8 hour work day isn’t way to get the most out of your workforce. In fact, most

Photo: The most annoying things about air travel! video more
Mohamed Emad
22Aug 2019

Everyone loves a holiday, but most people don’t look forward to the flight. Here are the most annoying things other

Photo: Keep Window Shades Open On Plane video more
Mohamed Emad
18Aug 2019

Plane passengers are often exposed to unclear requests from the cabin crew, like the window shade must be kept open. CN

Photo: What’s the happiest minute of the day? video more
Sameera Obaid
04Aug 2019

3:25pm, say researchers. Find out why, and what other high and low points there are in the day, by watching our video.

Photo: Beware of heat exhaustion video more
Reza Rabaya
04Aug 2019

Heat exhaustion is an illness that can occur when a person exposes to high temperatures, and it often is accompanied by

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