Mohammed Hilal: Scent of Success

It is not every day one hears of someone leaving behind a successful career in aviation to launch a small business in perfumery.

Yet, Emirati businessman Mohammed Hilal is living proof that it is never too late to switch careers when your passion stands strong.

Hilal successfully made the transition to open his first store, Hind Al Oud, where he promotes products made from perfumes.

This store gradually formed the nucleus of what is now a fast-growing entity, with either other stores added to the Hind Al Oud family; Hilal seeks to turn his company into a global brand.

Talking about his experience in the world of perfumes, he revealed he was trying to develop perfumes himself, enrolling in training courses to help him fulfill his passion.

Hilal confesses each perfume in his store has a special story that chronicles his journey as he was manufacturing it.

The entrepreneur is also looking to diversify his business interests, one that will see him setting foot into the country’s organic film industry.

He added, the MBC group had recently hosted an American actor and presented him a collection of fragrances of Hind Al Oud, which he praised and said: ‘I feel like I smell Dubai.’

Hilal hopes that one day he is able to open a large department store in Hollywood, one that carries a number of his Emirati brands.