Amna Al Marri ‘Healthy and Delicious’

Emirati national Amna Al Marri is looking to spread a culture of wholesome eating by teaching people how to prepare healthy and delicious meals.

Her passion for healthy cooking started with her love for her fitness sports, which included running, boxing, CrossFit and more.

Amna joined Emarati Fitness to get her life on track, and she hasn’t looked back since.

To complement her workouts, Al Marri embarked on a healthy diet and urged members of her family and friends to join in as well.

Lately, Amna also hosts special cooking classes at Dubai’s Culinary Boutique for those interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Her mastery includes teaching new techniques in cooking, along with sharing tips on how to replace unhealthy ingredients with healthier ones, reducing oil in your food, and swapping white flour with brown in your meals.

She says: ‘We share recipes and information about health and sports with each other; we have also launched a 21-day challenge where people can sample healthy eating. If it works for them, then they can continue with the plan.’

The entrepreneur is looking to spread a healthier lifestyle across the country.